Joshua and Caleb look like they are going to be best buddies. Already, Caleb is finding ways to play with his little blob of a brother who is just starting to interact with him. Unfortunately, this typically involves sitting on him because Caleb needs him to be a horse. Or standing on him, or grabbing his head to make him read a book...ahhh the joys of having to keep your infant in your line of vision 24/7!

Joshua started eating rice cereal earlier than any of my other babies. They waited until they were 6 months old, totally satisfied with mama's milk. But Joshua's appetite is insatiable! Since starting to eat at 4.5 months, he has been happier and sleeping better.

And this little update wouldn't be complete without a classic Rosa expression. She is our crazy one! She is very proud that her adult tooth has finally come through. Some of her friends at school scared her into thinking that it would never come in and she would always have a hole in her mouth. Needless to say, she is quite relieved that they were wrong!