Saturday, November 13, 2010

Caleb's Definitions

I am helping Mommy write a blog entry today since she has been busy and has neglected her blog for a couple of months. I thought everyone might like to know what I think about some important words.

-Bib: Something Mommy puts on me tha must be removed at all costs, and as quickly as possible.

-Washcloth, Soap: torture devices.

-"No": Mommy's favorite word, she uses it all the time.

-The Backyardigans: The best thing since sliced bread. One day, I am going to marry that Uniqua. I tell Mommy that she is beautiful.

-Sunrise: The perfect time to get up.

-Shirt: Conveniently always available in front of me to wipe anything unwanted from my hands, toys, floor, or nose.

-Meal time: A necessary evil to get to dessert time.

-Big Sister's toys: So much more intriguing than my own toys. Especially the delicate ones that break easily.

-Mommy's lap: The best seat in the house.

Yell- When you are too exhasperated or excited to remember how to use words, just do this. It is also quite effective to repeat what Big Sister is saying in those moments. For example, mine, give it back, or stop it.

-Potty: This is a magical word. If you say this word to Mommy, she will instantly stop whatever she is doing and pay complete attention to you!

Friday, August 27, 2010

One step at a time

I was thinking about the events that are going on in our lives right now. Things are exciting and at the same time, a bit overwhelming. But then I remember my trip to Cape Cod...

About 7 years ago, a friend and I were on a trip to visit a church up north. We decided to go to Cape Cod before heading back south. I enjoyed the specialty shops and the small town feel that Cape Cod has. But the most memorable part was visiting the lighthouse. It was rainy and cold. It was the kind of rain that just sort of sits in the air and makes you feel chilled to the bone. But we decided to climb down on the rocks that led out to the lighthouse. I took a few steps, trying to look ahead to the lighthouse, since that pretty scenery was our ultimate goal. But I realized, that with the rain and wind, it was wisest to just keep my eyes on my feet and make sure I stepped on flat, smoother rocks. I would enjoy the view when we got to our destination. It wasn't as exciting, keeping my eyes on each step, but it was necessary. I knew it would be worth it.

During that trek, I realized that was what God wanted me to do with my life. Keep the ultimate goal in mind, but take it one step at a time, making sure each step was correct.

Now, I want to look at everything going on around me and stress or wonder how it will turn out. But then I remember Cape Cod. One step at a time. Keep pressing forward and you will eventually enjoy the best of what God has for you.

"In all thy ways acknowlege Him, and he shall direct thy paths."

"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand."

Monday, July 26, 2010

Breakfast Time

I love our mornings together. Once Rosa and Caleb are up, their little tummies are ready for breakfast. Once they are settled and eating, we read the Bible together. There are pauses for answers to Rosa's many questions about what we are reading.

I find breakfast is the perfect time for Bible reading with small children. They are still sleepy-eyed, and a bit calm. They are also happily eating.

This is the most peaceful part of our day, before the craziness begins. I love it :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Simple yet complicated

I would have to say that life on the mission field is simple. Hanging clothes on the clothes line. Baking from scratch. No TV. No air conditioning or heat (not that we would ever need the heat!). Many of the people we minister to do not have any kind of electricity. Most people do not have cars and simply walk where they need to go. Life is less complicated, in terms of technology and material possesions. With less distractions, life is simple. More focus on family time. Board games and evening walks.

Yet at the same time it is complicated. As in more work! Hanging laundry during rainy season is quite a challenge. And baking from know that it is time consuming. Another example is travel within the country. Our country is the size of Massachusettes, yet it would take probably 5 hours to drive across the entire country (thanks to 2-lane highways and rugged mountains). Also remember earlier that I said most people do not have cars? They tend to walk along the highway...even walk across the highway, if needed. Along with cows, donkeys, and sheep, the roads can get crowded!

Maybe this post is just a big oxymoron. I think that friends on the mission field, or those who have visited will understand that life here is simple, yet complicated.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Potty Training, Part 2

Its hard to believe its just been over a month, but Caleb is potty-trained! For the first two weeks, he did not go once on the toilet. He sat there and enjoyed time with Mommy, reading books and eating "sprinkles". I got a little worried, and wondered if I started too early with him. He didn't seem to get it at all. But, he would sit there for 5 minutes without complaint. I stuck with it. After those two weeks, he "got it". Of course, there were lots of accidents along the way, but he began understanding what this whole potty thing meant.

He hasn't had an accident in a few days now, and stays dry at nap time. He is so proud of himself, and we make a big deal out of it too.

I think a few factors were key in our quick success. One, I was extremely consistent. Since I am home almost every morning because of homeschooling Rosa, we had consistent potty-training time every day until lunch time.

Second, I put no pressure on him. When he had an accident, I never got upset at him, but reminded him where potty should go. Looking at his face, you could see he was processing the information. Fussing at him would have made this a negative experience, not a learning process.

Third, potty time is fun time! He gets Mommy's attention. Any kid would want to do something that would cause their Mom to drop everything and focus on them. I am always with him. Soon, this will change. But for now, I know this has helped a lot.

I thought that potty-training a boy would be so difficult. But it has turned to be a very happy time for us. I have learned to not stereotype my kids through this experience. There are generalizations out there, but that doesn't mean they will be true with my little ones every time.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

My idea for potty training

I started potty-training my 18-month-old little guy last week.

He is very active, just like his big sister. He thinks he is too busy to stop playing and sit still on his potty chair. So I have some motivation for him. He loves books, so I sit next to his potty chair with his favorite books, which instantly draws him to me.

Sometimes, that doesn't work. So I pull out my secret weapon. I have sprinkles that normally go on top of cupcakes or ice cream. I think they are also called jimmies? I put a few in my hand. They are so small, that it takes him time to be able to pick up one. By the time he has eaten four or five, he has been sitting on the potty chair for a good amount of time. He thinks they are so fun to eat, and I feel good because I know he is getting such a tiny amount of sugar.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Sometimes it takes some creativity to give our kids some little pleasures very common back home. My kids love to dig in the dirt, much to my dismay. I began thinking about how I could get them some sort of sandbox. I really thought this would turn out to be another one of my hairbrained crazy ideas, but it worked. Steve went to a lot where they sell sand to make cement. He bought some, and I sifted it to remove all rocks and debris. I used two inflatable pools we bought in the States as sandboxes. For Valentine's day, we gave the kids their "sandboxes". It is dry season right now, so you can see there is a lot of dust in our back yard. But the kids don't care. They sit on their little stools and play away!

Caleb thought his pail and shovel were the coolest gifts ever.